
Visit Borneo to see the wild Orang Utan

There are only 4 rehabilitation centre for Orang Utan in the world, and Semengoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, Kuching is one of them. Here, they are working on the preservation of Orang Utans that have lost / become separated from their mothers, or that have been ilegally kept, and taking care of them in order to return them to the wild.


I thought they were like a family of human when I saw them taking care of their own children.There is few opportunities to see animals which live in the rainforest, so I would like you to go on local fields.子供を世話している彼らは本当に人間の家族のようでした。多くの国では、あまりこうした熱帯森林にすむ動物を見る機会はほとんどないので、実際に現地に行き見てほしいです!



Now you can meet the newly born babies ☺

The feeding time is 9:00 to 10:00 in the morning, and 15:00 to 15:30 in the afternoon so we recommend you to come around these periods.

※Keep your food or drink in your bag otherwise Orang Utans will take them!



Written by:MitsumasaJapanese Intern in Sarawak Tourism Board