Average Temperature
Sarawak has a hot and humid climate, with temperatures generally between 27°C and 34°C. Its cooler up in the hills, especially in the Kelabit Highlands. The heaviest rainfall occurs with the northeast monsoon from November to February, though it rains throughout the year. Theres an average annual rainfall of about 350mm to 450mm.
Banking Hours
Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 3pm
On the whole, Sarawak has an equatorial climate. The temperature is relatively uniform within the range of 23°C to 32°C throughout the year. During the months of March to September, the weather is generally dry and warm.Humidity is consistently high on the lowlands ranging from 85 per cent to 95 per cent per annum. The average rainfall per year is between 3,300 mm and 4,600 mm, depending on locality, and the wettest months are from November to February.
Common Customs
In Sarawak, we greet people by saying selamat Datang (welcome) and/or terima kasih (thank you) with a smile. Due to religious reasons, some may prefer not to have physical contact with others. However, a handshake is generally acceptable as way of introducing oneself.
Mobile telecommunications cover many parts of Sabah with the exception of some remote areas. Public phones are scarcely available in most places.
Malaysian Ringgit (RM) - Travelers cheques and foreign currencies can be changed for Malaysian Ringgit at banks and hotels. However, there are also money changer kiosks available at major shopping complexes and airport. Most major hotels charge a nominal fee for currency conversion.
Electricity & Water Facilities
Electricity is on the 240 volts AC/50-Cycle system; treated pipe water is available in most areas.
Bahasa Malaysia (National Language) and English is widely spoken; Mandarin and some Chinese dialects are also widely spoken.
Local Time
Standard Malaysian Time is 8 hours ahead of GMT (GMT+8)
Government hospitals, clinics and dispensaries are available in all towns. The list of private medical practitioners and pharmacies are available in the local phone directory. However, those with specific medical needs are advised to have a good supply of medications.
Shopping centres, supermarkets, restaurants and mini markets are generally open daily from 10am to 10pm. As for tipping; food and beverages in exclusive restaurants, cafes and clubs as well as accommodations normally include 5 per cent service charges. Tipping is not obligatory in most places.
Usual Office Hours
Monday to Friday from 8am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm; Saturday from 8am - 1pm